In English


Do not hesitate to contact the office if you have any questions. 
Write to or phone 47 14 00 66. 
The postal address is: Mannsverk Boliglag AS, Mannsverk 4, 5094 Bergen.

Mannsverk Boliglag AS is a 'borettslag', a housing cooperative. The highest authority in a 'borettslag' is the Annual General Meeting. Every shareholder in Mannsverk Boliglag has the right to speak and vote at this meeting. The AGM decides economic priorities, establishes the byelaws and house rules and elects the members of the board. The board runs the daily operations. (Read more on 'borettslag':

Breaking the byelaws or house rules established by the AGM may ultimately lead to eviction and it is therefore particularly important that these are known to all. 
Some important rules in Mannsverk Boliglag:
- There must be no noise from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. Loud noises, e.g. hammering or playing an instrument, are allowed only Monday to Friday between 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
- You will need the board’s permission to sublet the apartment, to change the façade or any bearing wall or to keep pets.
- You may not leave rubbish or any other debris on the floor of the dustbin buildings or in any other common area.

Further information:

Insurance: The buildings are covered by the cooperative's joint insurance. The contents of the apartment must be insured by you.

Maintenance: Generally, the cooperative is responsible for the maintenance of the buildings, the façades and the outdoor areas. You are responsible for internal upkeep of the apartment.

Business manager: Vestbo, a cooperative building association, is our business manager. If you have questions about the rent, common debt and the like, you may write them at or phone 55 30 96 00.


Styret (06.06.2024)
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Informasjon fra styret januar 2024 (11.01.2024)
Til beboere i Mannsverk Boliglag AS Januar 2024 INFORMASJON FRA STYRET I MANNSVERK BOLIGLAG AS Vi i styret vil ønske alle beboere et riktig godt nyttår!! Nå er 2023 i... Les mer

Informasjon fra styret september 2023 (28.09.2023)
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Dokumenter og filer

infohefte 06.03.2025.pdf (06.03.2025)

Informasjon fra styret Januar 2024.pdf (11.01.2024)

Inforskriv fra styret september 2023.pdf (28.09.2023)

personvernerklæring for Mannsverk boliglag.pdf (11.12.2022)

skjema for overføring av bolig til nærstående.pdf (09.10.2020)

søknadspliktige arbeider på balkongen.docx (25.08.2016)

bruksanvisning røykvarsler.pdf (22.02.2016)

brukerinnstruks glassbalkong.pdf (17.07.2014)

søknad om bruksoverlating.pdf (04.03.2014)
Bruksoverlating/ utleie er søknadspliktig. Her finner du søknadskjema og regler for bruksoverlating.

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